In March 2017 this invitation-only "Women in Transportation Roundtable" brought together 50 participants – women who hold senior positions in transportation and champions, both male and female, who have shown interest in developing and promoting women in transportation.

Tags : Workforce

WESTAC is bringing together transportation and other interested leaders for a conversation on the current status of the West Coast marine spill prevention, preparedness and response regime.

This Summary synthesizes the discussion from a Workshop held May 27, 2016 in Regina which brought together thirty-five stakeholders in the grain handling and transportation system in Western Canada. The Workshop provided an opportunity for senior decision-makers to discuss improvements to grain supply chain visibility and performance for bulk grain exports to West Coast ports.

Program: West Coast Marine Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response

The Council seeks to provide members with opportunities to meet with leaders in some aspect of transportation. The Deputy Minister stated an interest to get out regularly to meet with stakeholders and maintain an open line of communications.

Tags : Economy

WESTAC provides opportunities for Members to speak directly to Ministers about the transportation industry and its issues. On February 27, 2009 a dozen Members met in Vancouver with the Hon. Stockwell Day, Canada’s Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia- Pacific Gateway.

Tags : Trade, Economy

A summary of opinions and perceptions from meetings WESTAC held to discuss the Pacific Gateway with senior stakeholders from organizations that will impact and be impacted by PG development. Rather than a consensus report, it is offered as a resource for the Federal Government and others who will make policies and investments in support of the Pacific Gateway

Tags : Trade, Economy

Participants generally believed significant policy progress had been made over the past 20 years, but a significant job remains to be done. There was general recognition of the tremendous investment and efficiency boost that had occurred in various transportation modes as a result of increased reliance on the marketplace, rather than regulation.

Tags : Policy

Vancouver has experienced significant volume growth over the past year and it is forecast that rapid growth will continue over the next 15 years. All stakeholders - ocean carriers, retailers, producers, terminal operators, and railways – will be impacted.