At WESTAC’s Semi-Annual Meeting October 18 & 19 in Calgary, supply chain leaders from all sectors came together to discuss whether the system is Up to the Challenge – Building Capacity to Meet Demand.

At the 11th Annual Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference in early March in Long Beach, CA, some 1700 delegates gathered to hear the state of container shipping and trade. Tan Hua Joo, Executive Consultant with Alphaliner, delivered an interesting presentation on the outlook for trans-Pacific container ship capacity.

Tags : Capacity

Transport Canada and its provincial partners have undertaken a National Commodity Flow, Trade and Traffic Forecasting project, to better understand the freight movement infrastructure needs of the future. The conference emphasized the freight movements from and through Western Canada. It rolled out the preliminary forecasts generated by IHS Global Insight. The forecasts covered the period from 2008 to 2026, and included the full spectrum of commodities carried by all modes, including airfreight. The purpose was to discuss the outlook for freight demand and answer the question: can Western Canada’s transportation system handle it? 

Tags : Capacity

Report synthesizes discussions at workshop held in Edmonton in November 2004.

Tags : Capacity, Air